Parish Council Minutes

Minutes are taken at the meeting by our Parish Clerk. These are then written up and sent for first review by councilors. The reviewed draft minutes are then posted to this webpage and to the village notice boards. A short summary is sent for publication in the Challenge Newsletter under the heading ‘West Wratting Parish Council‘. The draft minutes are formally reviewed and accepted at the beginning of the next Parish Council meeting.

An agenda for a forthcoming meeting is usually published to a post on this website, available from the home page.


Previous years

We list below draft minutes and other records of previous Parish Council meetings. First, here’s a single PDF document that collates all Parish Council minutes from 2023 back to 2010.

This is not only scintillating bedtime reading, but you can use the search facilities of your PDF viewer to quickly find topics of interest over the years. Seriously, it is very interesting to see which topics come up time and time again, and how issues have been dealt with – or not – by previous Parish Councils.

The same material is available to read below, listed by year and by individual meetings.


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2023


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2022


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2021


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2020


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2019


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2018


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2017


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2016


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2015


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2014


Combined Minutes of meetings and AGM, 2013

2012 and beyond …

Combined minutes and AGM for years