West Wratting Village Archives

Over the past 10 years Elsie Webb and Suzanne Langford have worked very hard to collect documents, photographs and maps detailing the history of West  Wratting.  Following a well-attended display of this fascinating material, in the Village Hall on Saturday 28 January 2012, these archives have been transferred to the Cambridgeshire Collection in the Central Library, Grand Arcade, Cambridge CB2 3QD.  This Collection is open six days a week, when these archives can be viewed.  Telephone 0345 045 5225 or e-mail.  An index will be available online.

Some of this material has been compiled to a PDF document that can be viewed here.

Included are a great many old photographs of people and properties in the village, newspaper cuttings and general history from 1800 to the present day, West Wratting entries in, history of famous racehorses stabled in West Wratting in the 1700s, church history, Edward Frost and his aviation story;  also history of the Mill and Willie Tredgett’s diary, village school history and photographs, Wratting Park Cram School in the early 1900s, Hayter history and copies of his paintings of houses in the village, various maps of the village from 1737, Jubilee and other royal events 1814 onwards, village hall and Foresters’ history.  Below is a complete list:

Book One

  • Kelly’s Directories 1847 -1937
  • Farm Records and farming at Randswood, Wadlow, Valley and Bullens Farms
  • Jenison Shafto and Snap at Oxcroft Farm and Wratting Park in the 1700’s also
  • Copies of paintings by Stubbs painted in West Wratting parish
  • Football, Cricket, Tennis and Bowls at West Wratting
  • RAF Wratting Common and the two World Wars
  • West Wratting men who lost their lives during the 1914-1919 war.

Book Two

  • History of the Mill, Willie Tredgett’s Diary, Kingsley Amis and family
  • Myths and Folklore.

Book Three

  • Village Hall and Foresters’ History
  • West Wratting Women’s Institute and the Over 60’s Club
  • Jubilee and Royal events 1814 to the present day
  • The Village School 1861-1970, Wratting Park Cram School, Boy Scouts
  • Various maps of the Parish from 1737.

Book Four

  • Church and Chapel history
  • Monumental Inscriptions in West Wratting Church and Churchyard
  • West Wratting history “The Radfield Hundred”
  • History of Longs Coaches in West Wratting
  • Proposed Golf Course – 1990’s.

Book Five

  • Photographs of properties in West Wratting, old and new.

Book Six

  • Newspaper Cuttings and general history – 1800 to the present day.

Book Seven

  • Particulars of Property Sales (1799 – 2000) continued in book eight.

Book Eight

  • Particulars of Property Sales, part two, continued from book seven
  • Wadlow Wind Farm.

Book Nine

  • Cold War – Civil Defence warning 1950’s
  • The Frost family and their Aviation story
  • Hayter history and copies of the paintings in the village hall.

Book Ten

  • Family Histories
  • Village History written by George Webb and Peter Cunningham in the 1970’s
  • West Wratting by George Seaman-Turner
  • West Wratting 1938 onwards by Kenneth Charles Miller.

Some of this material has been compiled to a PDF document that can be viewed here. If anyone would like to help with making more of this available online, then please get in touch.


One response to “West Wratting Village Archives”

  1. Anthony mcCarthy avatar

    Early medieval (0874) ref to West Wrattling: Wreat .

    May be useful history.

    In the charter, briefly, King Edgar grants 2 and 1/2 hides of land in West Wrattling.

    The grant is to one of Edgar’s loyal ministers: Elfhelm. The grant includes meadow; pasture and woodland. The normal upkeep of thoroughfares and bridges is not included in the grant.

    Year: 0974: ” Charters of Ely”
    Px Imminentibus vite caducis terminis quam nos sceleris [li]cet onere pressi nutu divino statuti tamen dominica prosequentes monita prout quimus secundum illud evangelium ubi dicitur Date et dabitur uobis Ideo ego Eadgar totius Brittannie basileus quandam ruris particulam duas videlicet mansas et dimidiam in loco qui celebri æt ***Wreat*** tinge nuncupatur vocabulo cuidam ministro mihi oppido fideli qui ab huiusce patriae gnosticis nobili ***Elfhelm*** appellatur onomate pro obsequio ejus devotissimo perpetua largitus sum hereditate ut ipse vita comite cum omnibus utensilibus pratis videlicet pascuis silvis voti compos habeat et post vite sue term[inum] quibuscumque [volu]erit cleronom[is] inmunem derelinquat Sit autem praedictum rus omne terrene servitutis jugo liberum tribus exceptis rata videlicet expeditione pontis arcisve restauratione Siquis igitur hanc nostram donationem in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit privatus consortio sancte Dei ecclesie eternis barathri incendiis lugubris jug[i]ter cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus puniatur si non satisfactione emendaverit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquid decretum Hiis metis praefatum rus hinc inde giratur Ðis syndon þara þreora hide land gemæra æt wræt tinge wudes et feldes swa hit binnan þ[æm] mearcum beluð ærest æt ðan hean gatan fram þan gatan east andlang stræte oð west tuniga gemæra of þam felde on þa wude mearca andlang þæs mæres oð [] ldinga gemæra andlang gemæres oð wichamme [] gemære andlang gemæres to eanheale of eanheale gemære to bellesham gemære andlang gemæres þæt eft on þa [] dic Anno dominicæ incarnationis DCCCCLXXIIII scripta est hec carta his testibus [WITNESSES] consentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur + Ego Eadgar rex praefatam donationem concessi + Ego Dunstan Dorovernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus consignavi [Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury] + Ego Oswold archiepiscopus confirmavi + Ego Aðelwold episcopus [Bishop] corroboravi + Ego Alfwold episcopus consolidavi + Ego Ælfstan episcopus consensi + Ego Sideman episcopus non renui + Ego Ælfstan episcopus conscripsi + Ego Ælfðnyð regina + Ego Æswi [] abbas + Ego Kyn [] abbas [Abbot] + Ego Osgar abbas + Ego Æðelgar abbas + Ego Ælfhere dux + Ego Æðelwine dux + Ego Byrhtnoð dux + Ego Oslac dux [Duke] + Ego Æþelweard minister [priest] + Ego Ælfsige minister + Ego Ælfweard minister + Ego Byrhtric minister + Ego Leofwine minister + Ego Eanulf minister

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