Pre-bidding is now open!
Place your bids before the live auction on
Friday 6th October 6.30 pm,
West Wratting Village Hall.
Our programme of exciting promises can be downloaded here.
Printed copies of the programme each have a unique number printed on the front. Bring it along to the auction for your chance to win a special prize.
Visit the pre-bid page to place your bids before the live auction on 6th October.
In aid of St Andrew’s Church, the oldest building in West Wratting, the Auction of Promises will be a fun-filled evening for the local community.
Residents from around the village have donated a wide array of promises for you to bid on. Pre-bids are welcome, in addition to submissions on the night, and the person with the highest bid when the gavel comes down wins! Only the winner will pay, and they will receive the promiser’s contact details for arranging/collecting their prize.
Suitable for all ages, the Auction of Promises will be held at the West Wratting Village Hall on Friday 6th October at 6:30pm.
Tickets cost £20.00 each in advance which includes a 2 course supper, glass of wine and glass of port. If you have any dietary requirements, please let us know when booking.
As well as the auction and meal, attendees can also expect a cash bar, raffle and lots of good company!
For tickets and enquiries please contact Fanny or Jeanette on:
Fanny Peers – 07702 122353 /
Jeanette Job – 07971 671193 /