Parish Council Meetings

West Wratting Parish Council meets in the Village Hall at 7:30pm on the second Monday of every other month. That’s January, March, May, July, September, and November. The Annual Meeting is in May, immediately before the council meeting.

The draft agenda will be published on our agenda & minutes page as soon as it is available and will be posted to the village notice boards.

Early in the Agenda of every Parish Council meeting is the Opportunity for Public Statement. where residents of the Parish will have the opportunity to make a statement for up to two minutes regarding any issue on the agenda. The matter will then be discussed at the time it appears on the agenda and the member of public will NOT be able to speak at the time of the item. If the issue is relating to an issue not on the agenda, the matter will be deferred until the next meeting, unless it is deemed to be of an urgent nature and can then be considered at the meeting. If there is an item which a number of people wish to speak and having the same view, the Chairman will have the right to request that one person be appointed to speak for all for two minutes. The above rules are a Standing Order which the Council can vote to suspend at any time.

Minutes of previous meetings can be read here.

If you would like to send us a message, go to our Contacts Page.