Les Moulton West Wratting ‘Vegetable Gardener Of The Year’ Vase

From Richard Holness: In memory of Les Moulton, the West Wratting Parish Council will again be awarding the West Wratting ‘Vegetable Gardener Of The Year’ Vase to the gardener who, in the opinion of the judges has maintained the Moulton tradition of growing vegetables in the parish of West Wratting. Last year we were lucky enough to have Barbara Moulton judging the gardens and she awarded the Vase to the Tempest family who live in the High Street. This year the Parish Council will be awarding the Vase in late July or early August (depending on the weather) and is asking  parishioners to nominate themselves or their neighbours for the trophy, by contacting Richard Holness at richardholness023@btinternet.com or ‘phoning him on 01223 290404.
Brief rules:The competition is open to all parishioners of West Wratting.
West Wratting Parish Councillors cannot enter the competition.
The winner of the trophy holds it for one year and is not allowed to compete the following year.
Entries are to be judged by a panel of the previous winner, a Parish Councillor and Barbara Moulton.
The West Wratting Parish Council reserves the right to vary these rules.



