We have an easy ring of six bells at St Andrew’s. Tower and contact details are on the Ely Diocesan site.
Service ringing: From 10.15 to 10.45 on Sunday mornings as long as we can muster a band.
Practice nights: Second and fourth Thursday of each month but, if you are not a regular here, please seek confirmation before turning up. If you would like to learn to ring tower bells we will be pleased to arrange this. Please contact me to discuss this.
Cazzy Walshe is Safeguarding Co-ordinator for the 7 churches, tel 891443 or e-mail
Our band will always try to respond to requests for ringing for weddings, funerals and dedicated quarter peals. However, we often need assistance from our friends in other local towers to ensure we have six ringers, so it helps if we are given as much notice as possible.
A set of 12 handbells (Warner) belonging to the church is in the safe-keeping of the tower captain. The bells are over 100 years old and not tuned to International Standard Pitch. If you are interested in handbell tune ringing contact me here.