Category: General
Home cooked frozen meals delivered to West Wratting & Weston Colville
Home cooked frozen meals delivered in ovenproof container FREE OF CHARGE to households in WW and WC. ‘Out to Lunch’ based in Fulbourn.
The Ark Pet Supplies, Balsham Rd, Fulbourn
Pet Food – The Arc Pet shop, Balsham Road CB21 5DA closing shop to customers as of next week. Ring 01223 882161 order and pay online then items can be […]
Deliveries from Balsham Post Office
Balsham PO opening times changing next week. 7am-midday. Closed for afternoon deliveries. Contact 893064 or 07508746218 if emergency. They want to continue supporting the community.
Repeat prescriptions from Linton Health Centre
From Peter and Rachel Causton: Just want to let everyone know that we are still picking up the prescriptions from Linton Surgery 3 times a week for collection from The […]
West Wratting Village Playground
From Louise Chandler: Great news! All the grants for the playground have been approved and our village fundraising is now complete. Beginning on Friday 10 January the playground will be […]
Jimmy’s Night Shelter
This month The Chestnut Tree, West Wratting will serve as a collection point for items for Jimmy’s Homeless Shelter, Cambridge. A wish list can be seen here.
Let’s S.C.R.A.P. Fly-tipping
From South Cambs: Fly-tipping is the illegal disposal of waste. It can be anything from a bag of waste to a truckload. We all have seen abandoned items in the […]
Thank you for recycling right
From South Cambs: Most of us recycle right but there still some items that cause issues when taken to Materials Recycling Facility to be segregated for further recycling. It costs […]
Thurlow Estate Farms Tractors
From Jonathan Drury, Farms Manager, Thurlow Estate Farms Ltd m.07966 451921 DD.01440 732008: I confirm that we do emphasize reducing speed and throttling back when travelling though all our local […]
West Wratting Oil Syndicate has a new coordinator
Phil Tempest has kindly taken on this role. Oil orders can be placed through putting your surname in the Subject box or by phoning The Chestnut Tree as before.
Gypsy and Traveller illegal encampment advice
To help parish councils there is information on what steps you can take to protect your land, and how you can choose to take action if necessary if there is […]
West Wratting Oil Syndicate
From Richard Holness: Boilerjuice won the March fill up for 20 households with a price of 44.78 ppl + VAT. The next West Wratting Oil Syndicate fill up will be […]