The deadline for comments about the proposed Anaerobic Digester in Streetly End has now passed. You can read comments that were submitted at the Cambridge County Council’s planning application website. There are some well written objections from local residents, parish councils, and from various departments at South Cambridgeshire District Council.
If you wish to object to building an anaerobic digestion facility in Streetly End, then you can still express your views by signing the petition that is being organised by Julie Copas (West Wickham). You can sign online at ePetitions (

Map showing the scale of the proposed development
For information about the proposed development please see the webpage by West Wickham Parish Council. In particular you can read a draft of West Wickham Parish Council’s objection here. This is a ‘model’ objection, because it clearly focuses on what are called “material planning considerations“. These are a list of very specific – and some would say rather restricted – matters that the planning authorities will take into consideration when reviewing a planning application; sadly anything you may want to say that is not on this list will not make any difference to the authority’s decision, so you will be wasting your time writing it and your submitted comment will probably be diluted by the inclusion of non-relevant matters.
Click here for a description of the material planning considerations, and an explanation about the role of a Parish Council in planning applications.

Artist’s impression of the proposed development from the planning application.
The central building is 18 metres (60 ft) tall.
West Wratting Parish Council encouraged people to make their own individual comments, drawing upon the information we provided, but without just quoting it verbatim. Arguably, helping our parishioners to make their own relevant comments on a planning application is more useful than the parish council submitting its own objection.
Anita Stone from West Wickham has provided some more material about the planning application.
- Review of the application’s odour assessment by a biochemist who lives in West Wickham. TLDR; he concludes the assessment is inaccurate.
- Pages from the applicant’s Transport Statement, with highlighting by somebody who objects. Page 1, page 2, page 3.
- Anita Stone’s objection letter.
We list it here so you can be informed about other people’s views on the proposed development, but that does not necessarily mean that it is endorsed by West Wratting Parish Council.
If you wish to object to building an anaerobic digestion facility in Streetly End but have missed the planning application deadline, then you can still express your views by signing the petition that is being organised by Julie Copas (West Wickham). You can sign online at ePetitions (