Wadlow Farm planning application

Planning was approved by S Cambs for the following application. Erection of a single storey building to be used in connection with outdoor participatory sport, with associated vehicle parking and manoeuvring area and landscaping (Re-submission of S/2931/19/FL). One of the conditions was The hours of use for the proposed building shall be from 9am to 5pm (and 9am to 7:30pm as daylight allows during the summer months from Monday to Saturday. (Reason -To reduce the impact of the proposal on neighbour amenity in accordance with Policy HQ/1 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018). Wadlow Farm is now seeking to extend the hours to 11.pm and 11.30 pm. West Wratting Parish Council will be objecting to this variation (Ref 20/01031/FUL). You may review and comment on this application by going to the South Cambs website.




